The Flourishing Therapreneur©

Because you deserve to flourish as a therapist + entrepreneur

The Flourishing Therapreneur©

An online community, that equips & empowers therapists to thrive in business, expand their reach, and create flourishing and meaningful lives.

Our Offerings —

  • Podcast

    Learn from experts in finance, business, as well as other therapists in private practice about how to thrive on your own unique journey as a therapist, business owner, and entrepreneur!

  • Courses

    Sign up for specific, strategic and flourishing inducing courses that provide hours of lecture, handouts and intentional growth to spur on your private practice + other ambitious business endeavors.

  • Facebook Community

    Network, share, learn and create meaningful connections to encourage your multi-passionate and innovative career path.


how to start a private practice as a therapist and business owner

Why Flourish? To flourish means to create an ideal environment for your endeavors to grow.

As therapists and business owners, we lead with this heartbeat.

Instead of starting with the business nuts and bolts, we stop and reflect on The Philosophy of The Flourishing Therapreneur ©. An assessment, a self-reflecting tool to dig deep into our values, the life we want to live, the ideal clients we love to serve and the income we desire to grow.

We start there.

We build a life and business that allows us to flourish - not just professionally, but personally too.

We identify that to be a successful private practice therapist is more than making x amount of money. If we are seeing clients that don’t align with our skillset, if we are charging fee’s that don’t sustain our own income or livelyhood, and if we are compromising on the schedule that leads to a present and fulfilling family life balance, is that success!?

So, we build. We reflect. We create. We make the ideal environment and cultivate the soil right where we are planting.

We grow through the hard things we go through and we FLOURISH as therapists + entrepreneurs - as therapreneuers. Let’s get started!

LMFT in private practice how to start a private practice in California
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10 Steps to Starting a Private Practice
Jumpstart your journey as a flourishing therapist, business owner and entrepreneur! 
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