
Let’s Flourish - together!

You’ve listened to every episode of the podcast. You’ve enrolled and completed the courses. And yet, you still want more.

We desire to cultivate community through a membership module that induces collaboration, support and creativity. If you sign up for a course, you are automatically enrolled in the membership, but you can also request to join through our Facebook group.

Lean into community to join:

  • Our live co-working sessions

  • Sharing ideas for business growth and development

  • Troubleshooting questions around private practice or entrepreneurial endeavors

  • Meeting your new business bestie

  • Feeling less alone in the day to day private practice grind, where many therapists and business owners do not have co-workers, join the community to build relationships and connections to last for years to come!

Fill out the form to learn more, or follow the links to snag your spot in an upcoming course turned community, or Facebook group turned membership portal.